With us, getting things done is easy!
Making complicated projects easy is something we’ve been doing for decades. A wide range of solutions that make people’s every-day lives easier started out on the desktops of Finest’s development teams. They cover everything from modern payment solutions and secure, large-scale e-commerce systems to sales and purchase transactions for cars; from the renewal of driver’s licenses and a self-teaching stenographic records system to the streamlining of the everyday work of the government.
Finest is the company to turn to when your organization has either a specific development need or a world-changing plan that is only at the vision level. We’re a door you can knock on when you’re looking for a great place to work and when you want to get your online business operating as smoothly as possible.
So what exactly do we do?
Three business areas operate in Finest –
FinestDevelopment, FinestSolutions and FinestCommerce.
Of course, it won't say anything until you get to know us better.
Fortunately, this option exists.
Develops large-scale trading systems, be it e-shops or order environments.
If you are looking for new outlets for your business or want to create or update your digital sales environment, you are in the right place.
Solves your software development problems, offers first-class development service and an enjoyable process. If you want to implement some development or change in your organization, we are there for you and ready to solve it with a reasonable time and budget.
Finds a practical solution to implement your business idea. This is our in-house business intelligence think tank where we eschew empty words about strategic partnerships and continuous innovation. We help develop new business models and take care of the complete life cycle of the project.
What our clients have to say about us
Setting up the Kniks gift voucher programme was a time-critical project for MakeCommerce, so we were thrilled that it was completed on time – the Finest team showing once again just how dedicated and capable a partner they are.
Working on the Azure platform was a completely new experience for Adven, which is why it was so important to us to partner up with competent and experienced developers. Looking back, the project was a perfect example of agile software development rooted in solid cooperation. The dedication our partners showed enabled us to focus on smoothing out the business requirements and to take on the classic product owner’s role, with the project needing no micromanagement. Thank you!
We really enjoyed the fast-paced development process with the Finest team. We felt that we were working together towards a common goal and they were very motivated to support us in every way.
Finest has proven itself to be a reliable partner who does everything with the utmost professionalism.
That said, it’s often a country’s most open and most visited institution, where innovative IT solutions can lend a hand. I’m delighted that the Riigikogu, with the support of Finestmedia and TalTech, I am glad that the Riigikogu, with the support of Finest and TalTech, has taken a strong technological step into the future, streamlining the office's work processes and contributing to a better presentation of the Riigikogu's activities to the public. I have no doubt that what we have done so far is only the beginning.
Pikaaegne usaldusväärne koostöö Finestiga on loonud sünergia tellija ja arendaja meeskondade vahel riigi keskse teadusinfosüsteemi arendamisel. Hindame oma arenduspartneri meeskonna professionaalsust ja pühendumust ning arendusprotsessi läbipaistvust ja paindlikkust, mida oleme kogenud läbi kõigi nende aastate.

Enjoy everyday
Working at Finest offers joy every day. Our doors are always open to talented people who want to learn, are not afraid to make mistakes, and have already proven themselves on other projects. More than anything, we value passion and the ability to see opportunities instead of obstacles.
We are now FINEST
We are now FINEST According to our company’s CEO, Jan Urva, the name change is the next logical step in the process of forming a
Risk tolerance in Poland is much higher
“Entering the Polish market should be the next step for every business out there. While Estonians have very great ideas, they should move to Poland
Working remotely requires more than permission to work from home
This summer, Finestmedia was delighted with another recognition – we were awarded the Teleworker Label (Kaugtöö Tegija), which gives all current and future employees a